Teams and Collaboration

The basic unit of ownership in WireMock Cloud is the Organisation. Mock APIs, users and teams all belong to a single organisation. View your organisation by clicking on the Organisation page under your account.

Here you will see all the teams and users in your organisation:

There are two roles for users in an organisation: Member and Admin.

A Member can create and interact with mock APIs, API templates and teams.

In addition an Admin can:

  • invite other users to the organisation
  • remove users from the organisation (provided at least one Admin remains)
  • change the role of any member of the organisation (provided at least one Admin remains)
  • administer all mock APIs, teams and other resources belonging to the organisation

Inviting users

An admin can enter the email address of a person not yet in the organisation, and a role, to invite that person to join the organisation. They will then show up in the “Pending Invites” section.

Organisation members and pending invitations count towards your subscription plan’s total number of seats. You can see your usage and limits on the Usage page under your account.


Any member of an organisation can create a team (provided the organisation is on a plan which allows multiple members).

The person who creates the Team will automatically be given the Admin role on that team. In addition all organisation admins can administer a team.

There are two roles for users in a team: Member and Admin.

A Member will inherit whatever permissions the team has been granted.

In addition an Admin can:

  • add other members of the organisation to the team
  • remove users from the team
  • change the role of any member of the team

An organisation admin can enter the email address of a person not yet in the organisation, and a role, to simultaneously invite that person to join the organisation and add them to the team.

Mock APIs

Any member of an organisation can create a mock API.

The person who creates the mock API will automatically be given the Admin role on that mock API. In addition all organisation admins can administer a mock API.

Mock APIs can be shared with other members of your organisation by clicking the “Share” button on the API:

Mock APIs can be shared with “All in organisation”, any of the Teams belonging to the same organisation as the mock API, and any individual members of the organisation.

When sharing a mock API, you can choose the role of the organisation, team or person you are sharing the API with as one of Admin, Write or Read.

  • Read allows: viewing the API, its stubs, and who else has permissions on it.

  • Write also allows changing the settings of the API, and adding, changing or deleting the stubs on the API.

  • Admin also allows deleting the mock API, and adding & removing people, teams & the organisation, or changing their roles, in the “Share” widget.

An organisation admin can enter the email address of a person not yet in the organisation, and a role, to simultaneously invite that person to join the organisation and give them that role on the mock API.

Single Sign-on (SSO)

WireMock Cloud supports auto-provisioning and SSO for user management via any SAML 2.x capable IdP.