User Configurable Rate Limits
Configuring your own rate limiters in order to simulate the real thing.
You can configure your own rate limiters and apply them to your stubs, allowing you to simulate the real-world rate limiters protecting the APIs you’re mocking.
Add rate limit to a mock api
Rate limits are defined in your mock api settings page:
Once created rate limit names cannot be changed as then name is used as the unique identifier when assigning to a stub. If you would like to update the name please create a new rate limit and attached to the new rate limit to your stub.
Add rate limit to a stub
Rate limits can be applied to a stub in the “Response” section:
Creating a rate limiter via API
A rate limiter is defined by an object in your mock API’s settings document. The JSON attribute key is then used to apply the rate limiter to specific stub mappings.
A rate limiter has two mandatory parameters:
- the time unit the rate is being expressed in e.g.nanoseconds
- the number of requests per the time unit permitted e.g.15
You can also optionally allow bursting by setting:
- the number of requests that can be made in a burst over the set rate limit
You set the rate limit by making a PUT
request to https://<your mock API>
containing the JSON object configuring all of your rate limits e.g.
If you’ve got admin API security turned on you’ll need to supply your API key e.g.
Applying to your stubs
To rate limit a particular stub according to one of your named configurations you
need to create or edit the stub via the API, so that you can enable the rate-limit
transformer and set the name of the rate limit to be used.
You do this by POST
ing the JSON to https://<your mock API>
Taking the above example, if I wanted to use the “authentication” rate limit in my login handler stub, I’d do as follows:
The critical parts here are the rate-limit
element in the transformers
and "rateLimitName": "authentication"
under transformerParameters
Once you’ve created a stub this way you will start to see 429 responses when the request rate to all stubs associated with the named rate limit exceeds the limit.