Import & Export - Swagger and OpenAPI

Swagger / OpenAPI is undoubtedly the most widely used description language for REST and REST-like APIs. WireMock Cloud supports automatic generation of mock APIs from imported Swagger and OpenAPI specifications.

See Import and Export Overview for basic importing instructions via the UI and Importing and Export via the API for directions on automating imports via WireMock Cloud’s API.

Customising the import

When importing from a Swagger/OpenAPI spec, it’s often useful to be able to control how certain aspects of the generated stubs are produced. WireMock Cloud supports a number of extension attributes that can be added to your spec document for this purpose.

Specifying URL path and query parameters

When WireMock Cloud converts a response example to a stub, by default it will generate random values for URL path and query parameters.

However, if a response uses the multiple example format, you can specify the exact parameter values you wish to be required by the stub. This can be useful if your test cases or application under test expects specific responses to be available in your mock API.

For instance, given the following Open API path element:

    description: People by ID
      - name: id
        in: path
        required: true
          type: string

      description: Get a person
        - name: fields
          in: query
          required: true
            type: string
              - full
              - summary

          description: People search returned successfully
                  summary: First example
                    id: abc123
                    fields: summary
                  value: |
                    { "name": "John" }

                  summary: Second example
                    id: cba321
                    fields: full
                  value: |
                    { "name": "Jeff", id: "cba123" }

Two stubs will be created from the above example. One will have a URL path equal to /people/abc123 and a required query parameter of fields=summary. The other will have a URL path equal to /people/cba321 and a required query parameter of fields=full.

Any values not specified in this manner will be randomly generated based on the parameter’s schema.

Controlling data generation from schemas

When importing a response with a schema but no examples, WireMock Cloud will randomly generate an example that conforms to the schema.

For each schema attribute an attempt will be made to determine the data type, using the format if present, but if not making a guess based on the field name. For instance, a string attribute named date_of_birth will result in the generation of an ISO8601 local date within the past 99 years e.g. 1971-08-02.

However, you can override this behaviour and specify which data generation strategy should be used. WireMock Cloud uses Faker to generate example data, and you can specify the specific faker to use by adding an x-faker attribute to your schema element e.g.

  type: string
  x-faker: name.first_name

This can be used both in parameter declarations and response body schemas.

All of the fakers listed here can be used, plus there are some additional rules supplied by WireMock Cloud. The following lists all of the most commonly used, plus all supplied by WireMock Cloud:

  • name.first_name
  • name.last_name
  • name.name_with_middle
  • name.title
  • name.prefix
  • name.suffix
  • name.username
  • id.alphanumeric_id
  • id.uuid
  • date_and_time.birthday
  • date_and_time.past_date_time
  • date_and_time.future_date_time
  • uri.url
  • lorem.word
  • lorem.sentence
  • lorem.paragraph
  • currency.code
  • address.street_address
  • address.secondary_address
  • address.city_name
  • address.state
  • address.postcode
  • country.code2
  • country.code3
  • phone_number.phone_number
  • avatar.image


Only required query parameters will be included in the stubs’ request criteria. Non-required query parameters will excluded, meaning that any or no value will be accepted.