Response Templating - Miscellaneous Helpers

This article describes some useful helpers that don’t neatly fit into any of the other categories.


You can create a string variable of own using the assign helper, then use it later in your template e.g.:

{{#assign 'myCapitalisedQuery'}}{{capitalize}}{{/assign}}

Capitalised query: {{myCapitalisedQuery}}


The size helper returns the size of a string, list or map:

{{size 'abcde'}}               // Returns 5
{{size request.query.things}}  // Returns number of values in query param 'things'


The with helper creates a nested scope, allowing you to reference attributes on an object without fully qualifying it each time.

For instance, given a variable whose value is an object with the properties id and position, with allows these to be accessed without qualifying each time:

{{#with myObject}}
  ID: {{{id}}}
  Position: {{{position}}}


The range helper emits an array of integers between the bounds specified in the first and second parameters (both of which are mandatory).

{{range 3 8}}
{{range -2 2}}

As mentioned above, you can use this with randomInt and each to output random length, repeating pieces of content e.g.

{{#each (range 0 (randomInt lower=1 upper=10)) as |index|}}
id: {{index}}


The array helper emits an array containing exactly the values specified as parameters.

{{array 1 'two' true}}

Passing no parameters will result in an empty array being returned.
