Dynamic State Basics

WireMock Cloud provides the ability to set and use dynamic state in your stubs. This allows you to mock stateful journeys, such as creating a resource and then retrieving it. This is useful for situations where you may want to mock things like account balances, changing user attributes or any session where the data may need to be dynamically modified.

State can be managed within a context of your choosing. This could, for instance, allow you to use a context per user so that the same stateful journey using the same stubs can be run multiple times simultaneously without affecting each other. It could also be used to allow you to use the same set of stubs to do CRUD operations on the state of multiple collections - see the workable Dynamic Shopping Basket example.

Dynamic State is a more sophisticated and powerful replacement for the existing Scenarios functionality, which only offers a simple global state machine.


  • State Value
    A State Value is a mutable string, stored against a Key within a Context. It can be used in request matching; created, changed or removed in State Operations; and rendered in response bodies and webhook request bodies. It is typically defined dynamically using a Handlebars template. It is also worth knowing that state values can be used in webhook headerss and webhook URLs, as well.

    State Values are stored in a Least Recently Used cache, and no guarantee is made about how long they will persist.

  • Variable
    A Variable is similar to a State Value, but it does not have a Context and does not need the state Handlebars helper to render it in a Handlebars template. Instead, it lives only for the lifetime of the request, and is accessible at the top level of the Handlebars model. It can be used in State Operations and Variable Definitions, and rendered in response bodies and webhook request bodies. It is typically defined dynamically using a Handlebars template. It cannot be one of our reserved words: request, response, parameters, data, event, config, originalRequest or originalResponse.
  • Key
    A key is a plain string identifier such as itemId. A State Value is stored and looked up using a Key. A Key references different State Values in different Contexts
  • Context
    A Context is a string identifier. It is typically built dynamically using a Handlebars template that has access to the request model. The combination of a Key in a Context identifies a unique State Value. Contexts are all scoped to a Mock API, so no State Value can be retrieved in a different Mock API.
  • Request Matcher
    When using Dynamic State, a Request Matcher is part of a stub’s definition that uses a State Value to decide whether the current stub matches. Matching occurs before State Operations and Variable Definitions are evaluated, and operations and definitions are only evaluated if the stub matches.
  • State Operation
    A State Operation is a part of a stub’s definition that mutates a State Value - either by setting it or deleting it. It requires a Key and a Context to identify the Value. A SET operation uses a Handlebars template that has access to the request model and the previousValue (null if not present in that Context) of the State Value in order to emit the new State Value.
  • Variable Definition
    A Variable Definition is a part of a stub’s definition that defines a Variable and its value for the rest of the the stub serve event’s lifecycle. It uses a Handlebars template that has access to the request model to emit the value of the Variable.

When a stub matches, and its configuration contains multiple State Operations and / or Variable Definitions, they are applied in order. The result of a State Operation / Variable Definition is visible in the Handlebars model available to subsequent State Operations and Variable Definitions, and when rendering the response body and any webhook request bodies.


Setting & rendering simple state

In a stub’s request definition, change the method to POST and the path to /itemName.

Open the “State” section and toggle on “Dynamic state”:

Enable Dynamic state

Under “State operations”, click “Add operation”:

Add operation button

For now, leave the Context as “Default context” and the Operation as SET. Add a Key called itemName with a value of “Socks”:

Set dynamic state example

Under Response, check “Enable dynamic response templating” and put the following in the body text area:

State itemName was set to {{ state 'itemName' }}

Set dynamic state example

Try making a POST to /setAnItemName - you should get a response with a body “State itemName was set to Socks”.

You can now use the Handlebars helper {{ state 'itemName' }} in the Response body of any stub to return the state value currently associated with the itemName key in the default context. For instance if you add a new stub for GET /someItemName, check “Enable dynamic response templating” and put the following in the body text area:

The current itemName is {{ state 'itemName' }}

then subsequent requests for that stub will return “The current itemName is Socks”

Setting state dynamically

The “Value” field on a SET State operation supports Handlebars templating in order to dynamically set the value based on the contents of an incoming request. The model available in the template is the same request data model that is provided in the response template, along with a previousValue containing the value of the Key in this Context before the operation was run, or null if it had no value.

For example, we could change the “Value” in the example above to {{ request.body }}. Now the itemName state key in the default context will be associated with the request body that was last sent as a POST to /setAnItemName. For instance a POST to /setAnItemName with body “Shoes” will return “State itemName was set to Shoes”, and a subsequent GET to /someItemName will then return “The current itemName is Shoes”.

While state values are stored as strings, it is normally convenient to make those strings valid JSON and use WireMock Cloud’s rich set of JSON helpers to manipulate those values using the template in the “Value” field.

Setting state in a context

When a value is assigned to a key, this value is confined to a particular context. That context can be defaulted for an entire Mock API, and unless changed it is effectively a global context. When you render a value in a template using {{ state '<key>' }} you will be rendering the value from the Mock API’s default context.

Using an explicit context

You can specify an explicit context both when setting state and when rendering it.

Setting state in an explicit context

When you define a State operation you can click in the “Context” field and enter a template. The model available in the template is once again the same request data model that is provided in the response template.

For instance you could set it to:

{{ request.header.x-test-id }}

Now a POST to /setAnItemName with a body of “Shirts” and a header x-test-id: 1, and a POST to /setAnItemName with a body of “Trousers” and a header x-test-id: 2 will set itemName to “Shirts” in the context called “1” and to “Trousers” in the context called “2”.

Rendering a state value from an explicit context

There are two ways to render state from an explicit context:


The current itemName is {{ state 'itemName' context=request.headers.x-test-id }}

Here we pass the context as a parameter to the state helper.


{{#stateContext request.headers.x-test-id}}
The current itemName is {{ state 'itemName' }}

Here all state helpers within the stateContext block are evaluated with the context specified in that block, saving unnecessary repetition.

Setting the default context

It is common to want all or most state values to have the same dynamic context; for instance you may want all state to be scoped by a user’s current Authorization header so that they are isolated from changes made by any other user. Having to specify {{request.headers.Authorization}} as the context of every state SET operation, and wrap every template that uses state in {{#stateContext request.headers.Authorization}}{{/stateContext}} would be tedious. Consequently WireMock Cloud allows setting a template for the default context

In the Mock API’s Settings, find the State section. Here you can set the Default context to e.g. {{request.headers.x-test-id}}. State operations using the Default context will now use that value as the context, and {{ state }} helpers which do not specify a context and are not nested in a {{#stateContext}} block will also use that value as the context.

Removing state values

A stub can delete a key / value pair from a context. Under “State operations” click “Add operation”. Set the “Operation” to DELETE. The “Context” & “Key” fields are the same as for a SET operation. Whenever this stub matches it will now delete the given key from the given context.

Matching on state

In addition to setting and deleting state values, a stub can use a state value as part of its matching criteria.

For instance, you may want to define two GET /someItemName stubs, the existing one which returns a 200 with the itemName value if it exists, and one which returns a 404 if it does not.

Under “State -> Request matching” click “Add request matcher”.

For the 200 stub add a matcher with Key: itemId NOT is absent.

For the 404 stub add a matcher with Key: itemId is absent.

Resetting state

All state for the Mock API (including any Scenarios) can be reset using the “Reset state” button on the Mock API:

Reset Dynamic state

State concurrency semantics

A Mock API can receive multiple concurrent requests. These may contain state operations that operate on a previousValue; for instance you might store a requestCount state value, and make the SET operation increment it as so: {{math previousValue '+' 1}}. WireMock Cloud guarantees that SET operations on a particular Key in a particular Context will happen sequentially, so 5 concurrent requests to that stub would increment the requestCount 5 times.


You can read more about plan limits here.
