WireMock Cloud supports separately configurable authentication on the stub serving and admin interface for each mock API.
Admin API security
Every mock API created has its own admin API (think of it as a standalone WireMock server per API), which is used for stubbing, verification, reset and a few other things. This has the same base URL as your mock API, with a base path of /__admin
By default this is secured using the API token that can be found in
The token can either be sent in an Authorization header e.g.
Authorization:Token 1kj3h98f7sihjfsf
or as a query parameter e.g.
It is recommended that you use the header approach where possible as this reduces the risk of the key appearing in log files an browser histories.
Disabling admin security
Admin API security can be disabled from the Settings page for the API:
Admin API security will be disabled by default for APIs created prior to the security feature being released.
Mock API security
Mock APIs can optionally be configured to authenticate callers. At present this can be via HTTP Basic authentication (username + password) or an arbitrary header match, as well as OpenID Connect authentication for Enterprise plan users.
HTTP Basic authentication
HTTP Basic is a widely supported part of the HTTP standard supporting username/password authentication. An HTTP resource secured with HTTP Basic will result in a browser prompting the user with a username/password dialogue box on their initial visit.
Alternatively, an API client can pre-emptively authenticate by sending a header of the form Authorization:Basic <base64 encoded username:password>
Header match authentication
WireMock Cloud can also authenticate requests based on a match expression against any header. The match expression works in the same way as header matches in the stub creation form, whereby you specify the header name, predicate and expected value.
OpenID Connect authentication
For Enterprise plan users, WireMock Cloud can authenticate requests via an OpenID Connect authorization server. Requests must contain an HTTP header whose value is a JWT generated by the configured authorization server. The value of the Authorization header field must be the name of the HTTP header that will contain the JWT (usually Authorization
, but any valid HTTP header name is allowed). The value of the Issuer URL field must be the base URL of the authorization server.
The authorization server is expected to be configured as per the OpenID Connect specification. Specifically /.well-known/openid-configuration
contains the required configuration information, including the URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that contains the key(s) to verify the JWTs’ signatures.
The value of the Audiences field can optionally be a set of required audiences. If this field’s value is non-empty, every JWT’s aud
claim must contain all of these audiences for the JWT to be considered valid.